Mynd af Fuglasafn Sigurgeirs

Fuglasafn Sigurgeirs

Sigurgeir's Bird Museum

  • Fuglasafn Sigurgeirs er stærsta einkasafn á Íslandi með uppstoppuðum fuglum.
  • Ítarleg lýsingÍ safninu má finna alla Íslenska varpfugla nema Þórshana. Einnig eru í safninu margar tegundir flækinga sem og annara fugla sem hafa haft stutta viðdvöl.

    Í safninu er hægt að kaupa sér kaffiveitingar og ýmislegt með því.
  • Almennar upplýsingarSafnið er stutt frá þjóðvegi 1 við norðanvert Mývatn u.þ.b. 8 km. frá þéttbýlinu í Reykjahlíð.

The bird museum is located on the farm Ytri-Neslönd beside Lake Myvatn. It was established following the pioneering work of Sigurgeir Stefansson who lived at the farm. Sigurgeir’s bird museum is considered the largest known private bird collection in Iceland.

The interactive display of the bird collection is both interesting and educational. It contains a specimen of all of the Icelandic breeding birds, with the exception of just one. In addition there is a multi-lingual computer guide to Iceland's birds, a shop with refreshments, bird books are available, there is a logbook of recent sightings, telescopes are set up to watch the birds on the lake and a remote camera displays live wildlife images from one of the lake's islands.

Nowhere in the world can so many species of duck be found in one place. The Barrow’s goldeneye (Bucephala islandica) has its only breeding habitat in Europe in Northeast Iceland, mostly by Lake Mývatn.

Much of the bird life of Lake Mývatn can be viewed directly in front of the museum. You can watch birds on the lake whilst also enjoying some local refreshments.

The museum also offer several comfortable bird hides located close to the wildlife, with facilities for photography and bird watching.


Stefanía Stefánsdóttir


