Mynd af Eldhestar ehf

Eldhestar ehf


Þessum ferðum er ætlað að gefa fólki kost á að upplifa íslenska náttúru, auk þess að upplifa hinn einstaka fjölbreytileika og gæði íslenska hestsins. Eldhestar útvega allan nauðsynlegan útbúnað, s.s. hjálma, regnföt, stígvél, sokka, vetrargalla o.s.frv. Eldhestar útvega einnig hesta við allra hæfi.

The Icelandic horse - the key to Icelandic nature, culture and history.

Eldhestar offers the largest selection of riding tours in Iceland.

Most of our half-day tours and day tours are offered all year round. Here everyone, individuals and groups, can experience the variety of the landscape, the history, the culture and the soul of the land and people as well as the special gait - tölt.

In June 2002 Eldhestar opened a countryside eco-hotel right by the farm. Hotel Eldhestar now has 26 double rooms with all facilities, including internet connection, conference facilities, hot tubs and a dining room for 60 - 70 people. Our goal has been to create a warm and cozy atmosphere and at the same time a luxurious feeling. The farm also has a large, sheltered garden and rustic cottage accommodation for up to 20 people.


Hróðmar Bjarnason


