Hótel Kríunes
Kríunes er staðsett á höfuðborgarsvæðinu í landi Vatnsenda, vestan megin við Elliðavatn, á tanga sem gengur út í vatnið.
Kríunes býður upp á eftirfarandi:
- Notalega gistingu m.a. svítur
- Veitingar
- Fundaraðstöðu 3 frábærir fundarsalir
- Veiðileyfi í Elliðavatni
- Bátaleiga
Stutt er í alla þjónustu s.s. verslanir, sundlaugar,Mjódd og Smáralind. Kríunes stendur við Elliðavatn þar sem náttúrufegurðin er einstök, hávaxin tré prýða staðinn að hluta og fuglalíf er mjög fjölskrúðugt. Silungsveiði er í vatninu og staðurinn iðar af lífi villtra dýra. Fólkvangurinn Heiðmörk er í göngufæri og mikið er að fallegum göngu- og hlaupaleiðum í nágrenninu.
Kríunes sameinar kosti borgarinnar og kyrrð sveitarinnar/náttúrunnar. Kríunes er góður kostur fyrir þá sem vilja dvelja í Reykjavík en um leið njóta friðsællar útiveru og einstæðrar náttúrufegurðar.
Kríunes Hotel
Hotel Kríunes is an adventurous mansion situated on the banks of a small peninsula, overlooking the lake Ellidavatn only 15 min driving from the city center. The hotel facilities are set in a land of unspoiled natural parkland with exceptional mountain view over looking the lake. This hotel is the ideal choice for those who want to relax in the beauty of Iceland's scenery and wildlife. The hotel is also a great venue to host conferences and meetings in beautiful surroundings. Hotel Kríunes is one of the best kept hideaway secrets in the Reykjavík area were you will combine the benefits of the city and the country.
Northern lights
From late August through April is possible to see the Northern Lights just outside the hotel. We cannot guarantee that the Northern Lights will appear but staying for few nights will give a very good chance of experiencing these beautiful Northern Lights.
The Northern Lights, or aurora borealis, are bright dazzling displays in the sky that occur when gaseous particles collide. They can be seen from many places on Earth but are visible nearly every night nearer to the North Pole. The South Pole has its own lights called aurora australis.
Auroras occur when charged particles from the sun’s solar wind interact with Earth’s magnetic field (at altitudes above 50 miles, or 80 km). During intense solar storms, the Northern Lights become more spectacular and can sometimes be visible as far south as Texas.
The colors in an aurora are caused when oxygen and nitrogen particles mix with the charged particles in the atmosphere. The colors depend on what gas is involved and how high in the ionosphere the reaction takes place. Oxygen usually causes a green or brownish-red display.
Björn Ingi Stefánsson
FramkvæmdastjóriSara Björnsdóttir